Three Butterflies Nursery Policies
The Nursery & Pre-School have full and detailed policies and procedures which are adhered to. These procedures ensure the smooth running and safety of the children, staff, parents and visitors who attend the Nursery.
The policies are in compliance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Parents are welcome to view the Policies at any time and they are located in the Nursery Reception Area.
Partnership with Parents
We understand that returning to work and finding the correct nursery for both you and your child is a difficult and worrying time. We aim to make the transition from home to nursery as easy as possible and recognise that parents are their child’s first guardian and educators and are central to a child’s wellbeing. Your child’s Key Person will liaise with you and plan daily activities based on your child’s development and interests.
This is strengthened with the use of our parent communication link (eyLog) Your child Key Person will map your child’s progress with photos and written evidence on our online learning Journey (Tapestry or eyLog).
We also encourage all parents to contribute to their child’s ‘Learning Journey’ by providing family photos and WOW moments.