Our Beautiful Butterflies 21months – 35months
Our Toddler room is a spacious room catering for a maximum of 8 21months to 35months olds with a one to four ratio of staff where toddlers can enjoy and learn, exploring a range of materials and textures. As this is the first introduction to nursery life for your child, we believe it is important to base our daily routine around your child’s individual needs and routines you may have put into place before attending a nursery. A care plan will be discussed upon signing up to the nursery.
Daily record sheets are handed out at the end of each session informing you about rest/ sleep, food, nappy changes and keep you informed of your child’s development whilst exploring the environment. We have a sleep area within the caterpillar room, offering rest/sleep at times to suit your child’s needs and routine.
Our Sunshine Room 36months – 5years
Our Sunshine room is a spacious room catering for a maximum of 12, 36months to 5 yrs. olds with a one to eight ratio of staff where our pre-schoolers can enjoy and learn, exploring a range of materials and textures. As this is the first introduction to nursery life for your child, we believe it is important to base our daily routine around your child’s individual needs and routines you may have put into place before attending a nursery. A care plan will be discussed upon signing up to the nursery.